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Build date: 2013-05-16 14:36:50 (f9be68accb407158ba2b1be2c226a6ce1f649314)
// @tag dom,core
 * This class encapsulates a *collection* of DOM elements, providing methods to filter members, or to perform collective
 * actions upon the whole set.
 * Although they are not listed, this class supports all of the methods of {@link Ext.dom.Element} and
 * {@link Ext.fx.Anim}. The methods from these classes will be performed on all the elements in this collection.
 * Example:
 *     var els = Ext.select("#some-el div.some-class");
 *     // or select directly from an existing element
 *     var el = Ext.get('some-el');
 *     el.select('div.some-class');
 *     els.setWidth(100); // all elements become 100 width
 *     els.hide(true); // all elements fade out and hide
 *     // or
 *     els.setWidth(100).hide(true);
Ext.define('Ext.dom.CompositeElementLite', {
    alternateClassName: 'Ext.CompositeElementLite',

    requires: ['Ext.dom.Element', 'Ext.dom.Query'],

    statics: {
         * @private
         * Copies all of the functions from Ext.dom.Element's prototype onto CompositeElementLite's prototype.
         * This is called twice - once immediately below, and once again after additional Ext.dom.Element
         * are added in Ext JS
        importElementMethods: function() {
            var name,
                elementPrototype = Ext.dom.Element.prototype,
                prototype = this.prototype;

            for (name in elementPrototype) {
                if (typeof elementPrototype[name] == 'function'){
                    (function(key) {
                        prototype[key] = prototype[key] || function() {
                            return this.invoke(key, arguments);
                    }).call(prototype, name);


    constructor: function(elements, root) {
         * @property {HTMLElement[]} elements
         * The Array of DOM elements which this CompositeElement encapsulates.
         * This will not *usually* be accessed in developers' code, but developers wishing to augment the capabilities
         * of the CompositeElementLite class may use it when adding methods to the class.
         * For example to add the `nextAll` method to the class to **add** all following siblings of selected elements,
         * the code would be
         *     Ext.override(Ext.dom.CompositeElementLite, {
         *         nextAll: function() {
         *             var elements = this.elements, i, l = elements.length, n, r = [], ri = -1;
         *             // Loop through all elements in this Composite, accumulating
         *             // an Array of all siblings.
         *             for (i = 0; i < l; i++) {
         *                 for (n = elements[i].nextSibling; n; n = n.nextSibling) {
         *                     r[++ri] = n;
         *                 }
         *             }
         *             // Add all found siblings to this Composite
         *             return this.add(r);
         *         }
         *     });
         * @readonly
        this.elements = [];
        this.add(elements, root);
        this.el = new Ext.dom.AbstractElement.Fly();

     * @property {Boolean} isComposite
     * `true` in this class to identify an object as an instantiated CompositeElement, or subclass thereof.
    isComposite: true,

    // private
    getElement: function(el) {
        // Set the shared flyweight dom property to the current element
        return this.el.attach(el);

    // private
    transformElement: function(el) {
        return Ext.getDom(el);

     * Returns the number of elements in this Composite.
     * @return {Number}
    getCount: function() {
        return this.elements.length;

     * Adds elements to this Composite object.
     * @param {HTMLElement[]/Ext.dom.CompositeElement} els Either an Array of DOM elements to add, or another Composite
     * object who's elements should be added.
     * @return {Ext.dom.CompositeElement} This Composite object.
    add: function(els, root) {
        var elements = this.elements,
            i, ln;

        if (!els) {
            return this;

        if (typeof els == "string") {
            els = Ext.dom.Element.selectorFunction(els, root);
        else if (els.isComposite) {
            els = els.elements;
        else if (!Ext.isIterable(els)) {
            els = [els];

        for (i = 0, ln = els.length; i < ln; ++i) {

        return this;

    invoke: function(fn, args) {
        var elements = this.elements,
            ln = elements.length,

        fn = Ext.dom.Element.prototype[fn];
        for (i = 0; i < ln; i++) {
            element = elements[i];

            if (element) {
                fn.apply(this.getElement(element), args);
        return this;

     * Returns a flyweight Element of the dom element object at the specified index
     * @param {Number} index
     * @return {Ext.dom.Element}
    item: function(index) {
        var el = this.elements[index],
            out = null;

        if (el) {
            out = this.getElement(el);

        return out;

     * Gets a range nodes.
     * @param {Number} start (optional) The index of the first node in the range
     * @param {Number} end (optional) The index of the last node in the range
     * @return {HTMLElement[]} An array of nodes
    slice: function() {
        return this.elements.slice.apply(this.elements, arguments);

    // fixes scope with flyweight
    addListener: function(eventName, handler, scope, opt) {
        var els = this.elements,
                len = els.length,
                i, e;

        for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
            e = els[i];
            if (e) {
                Ext.EventManager.on(e, eventName, handler, scope || e, opt);
        return this;
     * Calls the passed function for each element in this composite.
     * @param {Function} fn The function to call.
     * @param {Ext.dom.Element} fn.el The current Element in the iteration. **This is the flyweight
     * (shared) Ext.dom.Element instance, so if you require a a reference to the dom node, use el.dom.**
     * @param {Ext.dom.CompositeElement} fn.c This Composite object.
     * @param {Number} fn.index The zero-based index in the iteration.
     * @param {Object} [scope] The scope (this reference) in which the function is executed.
     * Defaults to the Element.
     * @return {Ext.dom.CompositeElement} this
    each: function(fn, scope) {
        var me  = this,
            els = me.elements,
            len = els.length,
            i, e;

        for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
            e = els[i];
            if (e) {
                e = this.getElement(e);
                if (fn.call(scope || e, e, me, i) === false) {
        return me;

     * Clears this Composite and adds the elements passed.
     * @param {HTMLElement[]/Ext.dom.CompositeElement} els Either an array of DOM elements, or another Composite from which
     * to fill this Composite.
     * @return {Ext.dom.CompositeElement} this
    fill: function(els) {
        var me = this;
        me.elements = [];
        return me;

    insert: function(index, nodes) {
        Ext.Array.insert(this.elements, index, nodes);

     * Filters this composite to only elements that match the passed selector.
     * @param {String/Function} selector A string CSS selector or a comparison function. The comparison function will be
     * called with the following arguments:
     * @param {Ext.dom.Element} selector.el The current DOM element.
     * @param {Number} selector.index The current index within the collection.
     * @return {Ext.dom.CompositeElement} this
    filter: function(selector) {
        var me  = this,
            els = me.elements,
            len = els.length,
            out = [],
            i = 0,
            isFunc = typeof selector == 'function',

        for (; i < len; i++) {
            el = els[i];
            add = false;
            if (el) {
                el = me.getElement(el);

                if (isFunc) {
                    add = selector.call(el, el, me, i) !== false;
                } else {
                    add = el.is(selector);
                if (add) {

        me.elements = out;
        return me;

     * Find the index of the passed element within the composite collection.
     * @param {String/HTMLElement/Ext.Element/Number} el The id of an element, or an Ext.dom.Element, or an HtmlElement
     * to find within the composite collection.
     * @return {Number} The index of the passed Ext.dom.Element in the composite collection, or -1 if not found.
    indexOf: function(el) {
        return Ext.Array.indexOf(this.elements, this.transformElement(el));

     * Replaces the specified element with the passed element.
     * @param {String/HTMLElement/Ext.Element/Number} el The id of an element, the Element itself, the index of the
     * element in this composite to replace.
     * @param {String/Ext.Element} replacement The id of an element or the Element itself.
     * @param {Boolean} [domReplace] True to remove and replace the element in the document too.
     * @return {Ext.dom.CompositeElement} this
    replaceElement: function(el, replacement, domReplace) {
        var index = !isNaN(el) ? el : this.indexOf(el),
        if (index > -1) {
            replacement = Ext.getDom(replacement);
            if (domReplace) {
                d = this.elements[index];
                d.parentNode.insertBefore(replacement, d);
            Ext.Array.splice(this.elements, index, 1, replacement);
        return this;

     * Removes all elements from this Composite.
     * @param {Boolean} [removeDom] True to also remove the elements from the document.
    clear: function(removeDom) {
        var me  = this,
            els = me.elements,
            i = els.length - 1;
        if (removeDom) {
            for (; i >= 0; i--) {
        this.elements = [];

    addElements: function(els, root) {
        if (!els) {
            return this;

        if (typeof els == "string") {
            els = Ext.dom.Element.selectorFunction(els, root);

        var yels = this.elements,
            eLen = els.length,

        for (e = 0; e < eLen; e++) {

        return this;

     * Returns the first Element
     * @return {Ext.dom.Element}
    first: function() {
        return this.item(0);

     * Returns the last Element
     * @return {Ext.dom.Element}
    last: function() {
        return this.item(this.getCount() - 1);

     * Returns true if this composite contains the passed element.
     * @param {String/HTMLElement/Ext.Element/Number} el The id of an element, or an Ext.Element, or an HtmlElement to
     * find within the composite collection.
     * @return {Boolean}
    contains: function(el) {
        return this.indexOf(el) != -1;

     * Removes the specified element(s).
     * @param {String/HTMLElement/Ext.Element/Number} el The id of an element, the Element itself, the index of the
     * element in this composite or an array of any of those.
     * @param {Boolean} [removeDom] True to also remove the element from the document.
     * @return {Ext.dom.CompositeElement} this
    removeElement: function(keys, removeDom) {
        keys = [].concat(keys);

        var me       = this,
            elements = me.elements,
            kLen     = keys.length,
            val, el, k;

        for (k = 0; k < kLen; k++) {
            val = keys[k];

            if ((el = (elements[val] || elements[val = me.indexOf(val)]))) {
                if (removeDom) {
                    if (el.dom) {
                    } else {
                Ext.Array.erase(elements, val, 1);

        return me;

}, function() {

    this.prototype.on = this.prototype.addListener;

    if (Ext.DomQuery){
        Ext.dom.Element.selectorFunction = Ext.DomQuery.select;

     * Selects elements based on the passed CSS selector to enable {@link Ext.Element Element} methods
     * to be applied to many related elements in one statement through the returned
     * {@link Ext.dom.CompositeElement CompositeElement} or
     * {@link Ext.dom.CompositeElementLite CompositeElementLite} object.
     * @param {String/HTMLElement[]} selector The CSS selector or an array of elements
     * @param {HTMLElement/String} [root] The root element of the query or id of the root
     * @return {Ext.dom.CompositeElementLite/Ext.dom.CompositeElement}
     * @member Ext.dom.Element
     * @method select
     * @static
     * @ignore
   Ext.dom.Element.select = function(selector, root) {
        var elements;

        if (typeof selector == "string") {
            elements = Ext.dom.Element.selectorFunction(selector, root);
        else if (selector.length !== undefined) {
            elements = selector;
        else {
            throw new Error("[Ext.select] Invalid selector specified: " + selector);

        return new Ext.CompositeElementLite(elements);

     * @member Ext
     * @method select
     * @inheritdoc Ext.dom.Element#select
     * @ignore
    Ext.select = function() {
        return Ext.dom.Element.select.apply(Ext.dom.Element, arguments);